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Increase Running Speed in Pokemon scarlet and violet speedrun Using Two Controller

Section Key Takeaway
Introduction Speed is a crucial stat in Pokémon battles that dictates move order and strategy.
Understanding Pokémon Speed Each Pokémon has a unique speed stat that affects its move order in battles.
Factors Affecting Pokémon Speed Abilities, natures, items, and training can influence a Pokémon’s speed.
Role of Speed in Pokémon Battles Speed determines turn order in battles and shapes the overall battle strategy.
The Fastest Pokémon Ninjask, Deoxys, and Electrode are among the fastest Pokémon, using their speed for strategic advantages.

Understanding Pokémon Base Stats and Speed

Every Pokémon has a set of base stats that determine its prowess in battles. One of these stats is speed. The speed stat dictates the order in which a Pokémon will make its move during a battle. A higher speed stat means the Pokémon will move before its opponent, giving it a strategic advantage. For instance, a Pikachu with a speed stat of 90 will move before a Bulbasaur with a speed stat of 45.

Factors That Influence Speed

While the base speed stat is inherent to each Pokémon, various external factors can influence it:

  1. Abilities: Some Pokémon have abilities that can increase their speed. For instance, the “Speed Boost” ability raises a Pokémon’s speed stat at the end of each turn.
  2. Natures: A Pokémon’s nature can either increase or decrease its speed. A “Jolly” nature boosts speed while reducing special attack.
  3. Items: Equipping items like the “Choice Scarf” can significantly boost a Pokémon’s speed during battles.
  4. Training and Breeding: Trainers can enhance their Pokémon’s speed stat through specific training and breeding methods.







Speed in Different Battle Scenarios

Speed plays a pivotal role in different battle formats:

    1. Single Battles: In 1v1 scenarios, having a speed advantage often means getting the first strike, which can be critical.
    2. Double Battles: Speed determines the move order for all four Pokémon on the field, adding an extra layer of strategy.
    3. Raids: In raid battles, where multiple trainers team up against a powerful Pokémon, speed influences turn order, but the dynamics change due to the multiple participants.


The Speed Kings and Queens of Pokémon

When we talk about speed, certain Pokémon stand out. Pokémon like Ninjask, Deoxys in its Speed Forme, and Electrode boast some of the highest speed stats in the Pokémon world[^8^]. These Pokémon utilize their rapidity to outmaneuver and outpace their opponents, often striking before the enemy can react.


Pokémon trainers who aspire to be the very best understand the importance of meticulous training and selective breeding. Here’s how they can influence a Pokémon’s speed:

  1. EV Training: Effort Value (EV) training is a method where trainers battle specific Pokémon to enhance certain stats of their Pokémon. For instance, defeating a Zubat grants Speed EVs, which, when accumulated, can boost the speed stat of the trained Pokémon.
  2. IV Breeding: Inherent Values (IVs) are genes that Pokémon inherit from their parents. Trainers can breed Pokémon with high-speed IVs to produce offspring that inherit this trait.







Strategizing with Speed in Mind

Speed is not just about striking first. It’s also about strategizing:

  1. Priority Moves: Some moves, like “Quick Attack,” have a higher priority than regular moves. Even slower Pokémon can strike first using these moves.
  2. Speed Control: Moves like “Thunder Wave” can paralyze and reduce an opponent’s speed, while “Tailwind” doubles the speed of all team members for a few turns.

The Speed Champions: A Closer Look

Certain Pokémon are renowned for their unmatched speed:

  1. Ninjask: Known as the fastest non-legendary Pokémon, Ninjask boasts a base speed of 160. Its “Speed Boost” ability further enhances its speed each turn.
  2. Deoxys (Speed Forme): This legendary Pokémon, in its Speed Forme, ties with Ninjask, having a base speed of .
  3. Electrode: This electric-type Pokémon is a surprise speedster with a base speed of 150, making it one of the fastest Pokémon in the game.


Understanding and mastering the speed stat in Pokémon is a journey. It’s an intricate dance of strategy, knowledge, and intuition. Whether you’re a novice trainer or a Pokémon master, there’s always something new to learn about speed. Dive deep, experiment, and most importantly, enjoy the thrill of the battle! Remember, it’s not just about being the fastest; it’s about being the smartest.

Sterling Dudley

Hintergrund: Anna Müller ist eine kreative und künstlerisch begabte Person mit einer Leidenschaft für interaktive Erlebnisse. Von Kindesbeinen an wurde sie von Nintendo-Spielen wie Super Mario, Animal Crossing und Mario Kart fasziniert. Die fesselnden visuellen Elemente, die liebenswerten Charaktere und das immersive Gameplay haben ihre Fantasie angeregt und ihre Begeisterung für das Nintendo-Spieleuniversum geweckt. Mit ihrer Liebe zur Kreativität und ihrem ausgeprägten Sinn für Ästhetik hat Anna als Grafikdesignerin in den visuellen und künstlerischen Designs der Nintendo-Spiele eine unerschöpfliche Quelle der Inspiration gefunden. Die lebendigen Farben, die phantasievollen Welten und die Liebe zum Detail regen ihr kreatives Denken an und liefern kontinuierlich frische Ideen für ihre eigenen Designprojekte. Nintendo-Spiele sind für Anna nicht nur Unterhaltung, sondern auch eine Quelle der kreativen Entfaltung und des künstlerischen Ausdrucks.

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